Leslye Leslie- Hunting Pro-Staff and Lady Ambassador

I truly wish that I had grown up hunting and shooting.  I had some negative (and completely false) opinions of hunting and shooting in general only because I had never experienced it.  It was a brush with a Malignant Melanoma cancer diagnosis that paved the way for me to embrace a life that I can never imagine being without.

I was in my early 30s with 2 little girls under the age of 5 when I had to change everything about my life.  No more days baking in the pool or on the beach, which is great because I only have two shades:  neon white or lobster red.  My husband had been trying to get me to go hunting or learn how to shoot with him for our first 10 years of marriage.  I finally broke down and agreed to go with him after moping around the house for the entire summer wishing that I was in the swimming pool.

Fall in Georgia had just hit, and it was deer season.  My sweet husband dressed me up in some of his camo and hat , then handed me his crossbow.  I had just finished my Hunters Education Course and was as ready as I would ever be in my mind.  That evening I got the most incredible experience watching deer feed and play, and I ended up shooting a PIG that had run all of the deer away.  I caught the hunting fever then and there.

I got my first rifle for Christmas of 2011.  It was a Mossberg .270.  It helped me fill our freezer with deer meat, and I am so proud of hunting.  Keep in mind that hunting in Georgia is mostly shots under 50 yards, so I had ZERO idea what it was like to hunt at any longer distances.

When we moved to Utah in 2014, I started learning archery with a compound bow since the season was so much longer.  I am thankful to have the Utah Dedicated Hunter tag which allows me to hunt archery, muzzleloader, and rifle seasons until I fill my tag.  As I learn long range shooting, I can see so many more opportunities to make a great shot and bring meat home to my family.

My main guilty pleasure is pistol competitions.  I started shooting USPSA and some 3 Gun matches in 2012.  There is nothing quite like the feeling of mapping out a stage in your mind and then running with your guns blazing once the shot timer goes off.  I have never shot a match without smiling the whole way through.  I did the NRA pistol Instructor training in 2014, and I have been instructing ladies intro to handgun classes with the sole purpose of helping women to feel comfortable with a pistol in their hands.  I had the pleasure to be the Advanced Pistol Instructor (Intro to Competition Shooting) for the Ladies Hunting Camps held in Utah for several years.

I just got a similar taste of this with my first long range rifle match at the Sound of Silence match on 5/8/2021 here in Utah.  It was windy and I made a handful of rookie mistakes, but NOTHING can compare to the feeling of accomplishment and absolute joy that you get from shooting a match like that.  The amount of thought and focus that goes in to shooting long range makes it even more exciting than I ever could have imagined.

I look forward to sharing my shooting adventures with the LRT group.  No matter what, be safe, but get out there and have fun!

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